Support Local: Lane Farms

Where do you get your Christmas tree? Each small town scattered across the California Central Coast has their favorite local Christmas tree lot that they go to every December. If you grew up in Santa Barbara, like myself, then you grew up getting your Christmas tree from Lane Farms.

Lane Farms has been farming in Santa Barbara for 152 years! I’m a firm advocate for real Christmas trees and will never use an artificial tree. The smell and the happiness that a real tree gives me is unmatchable. Lane Farms Christmas Patch is a great place to get your fresh tree, whether it’s a Noble Fir, a Grand Fir, a Nordman or a Douglas Fir. They’re grown just for us at a tree farm in Oregon!

So, is a real tree or an artificial tree “better”? Let’s settle this once and for all — Sound good?

Real trees are better for the environment — Real talk. Real trees help fight climate change. Real trees don’t require the intensive carbon emissions that it takes to produce and ship artificial trees. I can safely assume your rebuttal to this idea is the mere fact that you can reuse your artificial Christmas tree each year. This is true, but facts are, most still end up in a landfill, unfortunately. The greenest real tree is the one that’s bought locally and recycled.

You’re supporting forests when you buy a real tree and they’re good for the economy — When these natural trees are harvested for sale, there are more than ten times as many left standing! Out of the 350-500 million growing on tree farms across the U.S., only 30 million trees are harvested for Christmas each year. Buying real trees will help keep tree farms in business – and in turn keep their lands covered in the healthy forest habitat that wildlife depends on to survive.

For every real tree purchased, farmers plant 1-3 seedlings in its place according to the National Christmas Tree Association. That means there are more trees to fight climate change and to provide more vital benefits for people and nature like clean air and water, wildlife habitat and healthy soil.

A real Christmas tree is actually better for your health — According to Dr. Birgitta Gatersleben, an environmental pscyhologist at the University of Surrey, “There is a lot of evidence to suggest that people recover more quickly from stress and mental fatigue when exposed to natural, as opposed to built-up and ‘fake’ environments.”

So, that’s settled.

I know Halloween has come and gone, but I can’t mention Lane Farms without sharing their incredible pumpkin patch during harvest! They have tons of pumpkins, friendly farm animals, a child-friendly corn maze, and hayrides. Their produce stand is open all year long to pick up your weekly produce, whether it’s fruits, veggies, or even flowers.

Support local — Support Lane Farms

Address: 308 S. Walnut Lane, Santa Barbara, CA